After this event, his assistant, Richtofen, set his plan into motion when he locked Maxis and Samantha in the teleporter room with the mutated Fluffy. Unfortunately, something went horribly wrong and Fluffy transformed into the first Hellhound. One day, Maxis used his daughter Samantha's dog, Fluffy (who was pregnant), as a test subject for his teleporter. Edward Richtofen, Maxis' assistant, believed Maxis was not acting quick enough and decided to betray him to further the research. Unfortunately, this army could not be controlled as the zombies would always go berserk when tested. Ludvig Maxis, a German scientist, discovered it could also reanimate dead cells and created an undead army. While working with Element 115 to power new weapons and the teleporters, Dr. However, zombies have existed since the Middle Ages, as seen by both the Crusader and Templar Zombies found in France. The earliest sighting of zombies was in France, during the First World War, sometimes between 19, where the Germans first uncovered Element 115. Meteors can also be seen on the Moon whenever it is visible. Meteor fragments can be seen on Kino der Toten, Call of the Dead, Shangri-La, Origins, Der Eisendrache, Zetsubou No Shima, and Revelations.

A meteor fragment containing Element 115 is shown in the map Shi No Numa outside in the storage hut area. It was caused by Element 115 an element found in meteors that can reanimate dead cells. Though the origin of the zombies remains mostly unclear, various incidents leading up to the creation of the zombies can be found via radio messages found in various maps. The test subject is euthanized." - The Zombies Chronicles timeline, about the first time Group 935 created Zombies, as heard in a radio from Der Riese Initially it obeys, but soon becomes rabid and attacks them. Using Element 115, Maxis and Richtofen resurrect one of the teleported corpses for the first time. Zombies Creation Aether Story " August 5th, 1939 1.1.5 Nazi Zombies (Call of Duty: WWII).They also appear in the Call of Duty: Black Ops III campaign level " Demon Within", and in Nightmares mode, controlled by the Demigod Deimos, and are playable in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone in the modes Infected and Zombie Royale respectively. In the original Zombies mode, they are created by Element 115 in Exo Zombies, they are the product of an Atlas program gone wrong, and in Infinite Warfare Zombies, they are used by Willard Wyler with the intention of killing four actors for a snuff film. They also appear in the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare game-type Exo Survival as a bonus wave on the map Riot, and are playable in Call of Duty: Warzone in the limited-time mode Zombie Royale.

Zombies are deceased humans that have been reanimated or infected by various means and serve as the primary antagonistic force of the Zombies, Exo Zombies, Infinite Warfare Zombies and Nazi Zombies game modes. You were wrong." - Mission briefing for Nacht der Untoten

" You drove them deep into the heart of the Reich.